Jun 8, 2010

Products of kindness

After two days of serious coding,Random Hacks of Kindness has finally come to an end yesterday at about 6.30 pm.Some of the developers spent the night at the iHub.Lucky ones got a place to lay their heads and some spent the whole night coding.Results? Amazing software that can be used for disaster control,though some were just prototypes. I do not blame them for not producing a fully functional systems considering the time frame.

The Res-Q team did an amazing job,not that the rest did not do a good job but there has to be a winner in every race right? So back to the Res-Q team,everything was well thought of, from the name to the APP to the presentation.They developed a mobile app that enables users who are in DANGER(I put danger in caps because our entourage is becoming more dangerous day by day) appeal for help.
A practical example of how it is implemented; let's say  a certain building is on fire and user X ,who is/was in the building sends an SMS saying that (s)he is OK plus their location. The rescue team will then be able to concentrate on the missing persons rather than wasting time looking for everyone.
The rescue team gets "enough time"-time is never enough when in crisis-to look for missing people,hence more lives are saved! Isn't that wonderful?  Congratulations to Bahati, Emmanuel and Arcel, hope many lives get saved through your application.

When people say that everything happens for a reason, I never used to believe them but now I do.Because if I were a judge,Eneza would win the first prize. Anyway,things don't always happen our way(sad but pure truth).
This group developed an app which sends an SMS to the Ushahidi platform and it automatically updates a user’s twitter and facebook account.
For the sake of lazy people like me,the application works this way:  You have an accident,Go forbid;no offense to the atheists,somewhere in the middle of a jungle and all you need to do is send an SMS,the assumption here is there's network.Your twitter and facebook status will be updated and your families and friends will at least know your whereabouts and it is up to them to look for you or let Lion King finish you up in the jungle ;)
For the nerds read about the app and its problem definition here
WAVE,inspired by We Have We Need,came in third position.Their application is a donation management system created in support of the Haiti Crisis. It is a system where people could post their “Haves” and others could post their “Needs”.


  1. congrats to Res-Q,Eneza and Wave..for a job well done and to all the Akirachix who represented in the hse

  2. Congrats!!Nice post Jams ;) and keep up the good works Akirachix!!!!! may we grow to develop more than 1000apps helping the women and the society!!
