Jun 5, 2010

Money tracker

Participating in the Random Hacks of Kindness  is one of the best things that can ever happen to any developer. Not only are we doing humanitarian work, but also getting exposure.
A group of passionate programmers,myself included,picked on the money tracker;one of  the Problem Definitions.Money tracker is a software that allows donors make donations and keep track of how their money is spent.
Good idea, but how does it work?
The donor chooses to donate to a specific project,the receiver keeps the system updated every time part of the donated money is used(they upload evidences like receipts).Money tracker does automatic calculations and alerts the donor via email.
More to come ,the project is still under construction.....
Great minds in session.
Keep checking for more updates.


  1. it's reaaaly interresting, wana know wheres my money !! :)

  2. Wat a great i dea en very interesting.but would like 2 knw more from ur updates
